The Third Medical School was founded in February 2004. Its predecessor, the Third Clinical Department began in April 1983.
People’s Hospital Affiliated with Hubei University of Medicine is the base of the School carrying out the education activities. It has more than 2,200 staff, 780 of which are holding senior professional title or Intermediate title. The total beds of the Hospital reaches 1650. There are 15 key specialties of provincial level or the municipal level in the Hospital, like cardiovascular medicine, neurosurgery, stomatology, emergency and reproductive medicine. The cardiovascular medicine ranks the first during the rate of Key Specialties of the provincial level. A harmonious atmosphere of Mutual Improvement between Medical Education and Medical Service has been formed.
The Third Clinical School has more than 300 full-time and part time faculty, 164 of whom are professors or associate professors. 165 hold master’s degrees, 21 with doctorate degrees and 24 are supervisors of the master’s program. Many of the staff have also been given special honors, 4 experts with the State Council Special Allowance and 4 with the Provincial Government Special Allowance, 1 professor is from the “Chutian Scholar Program” and 1 was a candidate for the New Century Key Talent Project of Hubei Province. The Third Clinical School is comprised of 16 teaching offices and 2 laboratories. They specialize in internal medicine and surgery are the key disciplines approved by Hubei Provincial Department of Education. There are 2 key disciplines, 2 University Excellence Courses in the Third Clinical School. 7 teaching and internship hospitals are also available for students.
The enrollment of students at the Third Clinical school is currently 802. They adhere to the principle of a teaching oriented school, focused on the students’ theoretical knowledge, the cultivation of clinical thinking ability and, the training of practical abilities. The Third Clinical School has achieved a great deal with the support of People’s Hospital and the hardworking faculty and students, and they expect a brilliant future.